Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dinosaur Guinea Pig!

Found this little tid bit of adorable on flickr. I own two guinea pigs myself, their names are Han Solo and Chewie. They are actually brothers from the same litter. We just love them. They are such easy pets, and they never bite or are aggressive.

Yesterday I did yoga with the husband and he complained like CRAZY. He is not very flexible, so he found it very painful. I enjoyed it a lot. Felt very good afterward, but unfortunately I had to hear complaining about it until the covers were up and the lights were off in the bedroom. I don't think he will be up for anything like that again. He said he would be willing to try pilates, so we will see.

Mundane Alert: Did the dishes, but I still have to do my laundry. I am such a slacker! Just kidding. Today it is really warm here in KC, almost 20C. So this morning I told the husband that I would like to go for a bike ride with him. Hopefully that works out, until then I am going to take a stroll through my neighborhood and breath deeply of fresh spring air.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This morning I woke up to an extremely foggy day. I love foggy days, makes me feel like I live in a movie or an enchanted forest. So I had to go for a walk, it was very nice.

So last night was really fun watching the Bachelor, I don't know if you follow the show, but Michelle went home, and that was kinda nice. I think we were all a little sick of her! But she did make things interesting, so I will miss her for that. I recorded the Biggest Loser, for some reason I just love this show and I find it super motivating to be healthy and nutritionally conscious. It is a pretty fun show, and just lame reality, but I really like reality tv. I also watch Teen Mom 2, 16 and pregnant, ALL of the Real Housewives, (haven't seen Miami's housewives yet though), and.....Clean House from the Style network. As for scripted television, I always watch thursday nights on NBC. All of the comedies I watch except for Outsourced, can't stand that show. Your probably wondering, how do you find time to watch this much television? Well, because I am Canadian and do not have a work visa, I do not work, I spend a lot of time at home. I also do a lot of crochet, and am currently working on a blanket. Crocheting is very conducive to television watching.

Today I walked to "Korma Sutra" an Indian Restaurant, voted "the best Indian food in Kansas City" about 4 years in a row. They have a lunch buffet that is THE BEST. Went there with my friend, the same friend who I watch the Bachelor with. Good conversation.

Well, my husband and I ordered the digital SLR camera and it has arrived to my apartment office. I still need to pick it up, and I am really excited. Good thing I did my hair today, hopefully I will look good in the gallons of pictures I will probably take tonight.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Post

Hey everyone, this is a new blog I am starting, about my thoughts and stuff. If you care to, leave a comment if you would like.

What should my first post be on? Well, Valentines Day was yesterday and I had a great time! Husband came home with a heart shaped pizza that we enjoyed with some of my favorite wine, an Argentinian Malbec. It was delicious. We then proceeded to take a stroll on the country club plaza, (something we do more than a few times a week.) Had a sip at the plaza starbucks, and went home. At 6 degrees Celcius it was a lovely evening and we talked and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Normally 6 degrees is not that pleasant, but after being exposed to abnormally low temperatures in Kansas City, (-20C) it was very nice for walking.

So tonight we have plans to watch the Bachelor with another couple. We DVR it every monday and watch it together a half hour after it starts to avoid all the commercials. We get such a kick out of watching it together. Unlike most men, our husbands enjoy watching the show and making comments, and it gets so funny I hate to watch the show without them. Usually we watch it on monday, but since yesterday was Valentines Day, we are postponing it till tonight.

Mundane alerts: I have to do dishes from SUNDAY since I have procrastinated for so long. We don't have a dishwasher, so this is going to be quite a feat. I really should do the laundry too, but we will see.

So that is my first post, I hope you enjoy.