Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Post

Hey everyone, this is a new blog I am starting, about my thoughts and stuff. If you care to, leave a comment if you would like.

What should my first post be on? Well, Valentines Day was yesterday and I had a great time! Husband came home with a heart shaped pizza that we enjoyed with some of my favorite wine, an Argentinian Malbec. It was delicious. We then proceeded to take a stroll on the country club plaza, (something we do more than a few times a week.) Had a sip at the plaza starbucks, and went home. At 6 degrees Celcius it was a lovely evening and we talked and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Normally 6 degrees is not that pleasant, but after being exposed to abnormally low temperatures in Kansas City, (-20C) it was very nice for walking.

So tonight we have plans to watch the Bachelor with another couple. We DVR it every monday and watch it together a half hour after it starts to avoid all the commercials. We get such a kick out of watching it together. Unlike most men, our husbands enjoy watching the show and making comments, and it gets so funny I hate to watch the show without them. Usually we watch it on monday, but since yesterday was Valentines Day, we are postponing it till tonight.

Mundane alerts: I have to do dishes from SUNDAY since I have procrastinated for so long. We don't have a dishwasher, so this is going to be quite a feat. I really should do the laundry too, but we will see.

So that is my first post, I hope you enjoy.

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