Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This morning I woke up to an extremely foggy day. I love foggy days, makes me feel like I live in a movie or an enchanted forest. So I had to go for a walk, it was very nice.

So last night was really fun watching the Bachelor, I don't know if you follow the show, but Michelle went home, and that was kinda nice. I think we were all a little sick of her! But she did make things interesting, so I will miss her for that. I recorded the Biggest Loser, for some reason I just love this show and I find it super motivating to be healthy and nutritionally conscious. It is a pretty fun show, and just lame reality, but I really like reality tv. I also watch Teen Mom 2, 16 and pregnant, ALL of the Real Housewives, (haven't seen Miami's housewives yet though), and.....Clean House from the Style network. As for scripted television, I always watch thursday nights on NBC. All of the comedies I watch except for Outsourced, can't stand that show. Your probably wondering, how do you find time to watch this much television? Well, because I am Canadian and do not have a work visa, I do not work, I spend a lot of time at home. I also do a lot of crochet, and am currently working on a blanket. Crocheting is very conducive to television watching.

Today I walked to "Korma Sutra" an Indian Restaurant, voted "the best Indian food in Kansas City" about 4 years in a row. They have a lunch buffet that is THE BEST. Went there with my friend, the same friend who I watch the Bachelor with. Good conversation.

Well, my husband and I ordered the digital SLR camera and it has arrived to my apartment office. I still need to pick it up, and I am really excited. Good thing I did my hair today, hopefully I will look good in the gallons of pictures I will probably take tonight.

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