Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dinosaur Guinea Pig!

Found this little tid bit of adorable on flickr. I own two guinea pigs myself, their names are Han Solo and Chewie. They are actually brothers from the same litter. We just love them. They are such easy pets, and they never bite or are aggressive.

Yesterday I did yoga with the husband and he complained like CRAZY. He is not very flexible, so he found it very painful. I enjoyed it a lot. Felt very good afterward, but unfortunately I had to hear complaining about it until the covers were up and the lights were off in the bedroom. I don't think he will be up for anything like that again. He said he would be willing to try pilates, so we will see.

Mundane Alert: Did the dishes, but I still have to do my laundry. I am such a slacker! Just kidding. Today it is really warm here in KC, almost 20C. So this morning I told the husband that I would like to go for a bike ride with him. Hopefully that works out, until then I am going to take a stroll through my neighborhood and breath deeply of fresh spring air.

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